Saturday, June 2, 2012

cleaning netbeans cache

Sometimes working with netbease can be frustrating. Netbeans by default enables cache and does not update the cache (physical files) after moths of use.
so it is good that you clean up the netbeans logs every now and then.
E.g :  You have a deep structure of your code such as Interfaces , multiple implementations of these interfaces and dense use of these interfaces and after few months you decide to change the signature of one of the methods in interface. You change the signature in interface & implementations but then while trying to use these new signature from someother class , compiler won't recognize the new signature.
or secondly you may have a public class with multiple methods & changing the method signature doesn't get recognized in other objects. This is when you should think of cleaning the netbeans cache.

here is what you can do tpo stop pulling your hair .........

Deleting netbeans cache on windows environment

incase of windows 7 you might have to run the windows explorer or command as an administrator. below command shows to move the cache files to different directory incase you mess up something and want to revert back your changes.

C:\Documents and Settings\dnimse\.netbeans\6.5\var\cache>move .\index C:\work\netbeans-tricks

setting up the cache to false


set below value while running/starting netbeans

-J-Dcnd.cache.file.state=false -J-Dcnd.apt.cache.entry=false

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

checking the oim xldatabasekey and xlkeystore

keytool -list -keystore .xldatabasekey -storetype JCEKS

Default password if you did not setup is : xellerate

This is for oim9.1.0.2 and previous

Friday, September 16, 2011

Parameter referral is not present Error

While connecting to AD /LDAP server using java API's you may see "Parameter referral is not present" error.

One basic reason for this error is if your LDAP /AD server holds/contains a subtree starting from a specific entry and the sub entries/children of these entries holds references to other servers. and you are attempting to acces these entries but the reference server is not able to return those entries .

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it worth for customers to open an SR/ Or Sign application level support contract with the product company

It's been quite sometime now that I have been working with just the products. Worst thing I hate about the products is when it comes to support. Customers buy support contracts from the product based companies so that product based companies can help customers resolve any issues they face during the lifecycle of the product.But guess what it never happens, at least it has never happened to me in my atleast six years of experience working on different products.

If you open an Sev. 1 SR it is expected that you should get a call in atleast first two hours of opening a SR, but it takes atleast 8-10 hrs for them contact you and the first person who contacts you has no technical knowledge of the product. He wastes everybodys time in organization goes back and contacts you back in next 8-10 hrs asking you to try somethings which you have already tried and updated in the SR, so his next visit is in vain too, by the time he comes back with some other options for the third time you had already resolved your problem.

If you open a Sev 2 SR, this type of SR is treated as low level SR as if there is no urgency for this type of Issue. Again first few days some non technical person will keep asking you questions and irritates you, because answers to all his questions are already listed in SR. They do not even read the complete SR. They buy so much of time and by the time they try to provide you first non-workable solution you had resolve your issue.

And when you tell them we resolved it, Support person says "Tell me what you did to resolve it so that I can update it in the SR".

Now a days new trend has started, these support people if they call you and if you try to ask them technical questions which they are not aware of expect to hear from support person " Sir, I will get back to you on this (They will not mention when, even if you ask for estimated time) and if you feel its not getting resolved please escalate it to the higher management". This clearly means that they don't care what happens to your issue and they only call you/update SR just because they have to fill up their time.

I think when a customer signs a support contract with the product based company, customer should add a clause to the contract which says if the support team is not able to resolve the issue or takes longer than the estimated time then product based company has to pay for the lost time.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

OIM - Addapproval process for disabling a resource

These steps help on how to add the approval workflow for disabling a resource
Create a rule
login to design console
go to rule designer

Create a rule type> Process Determination,
Sub- Type > Approval
Process >
Request Object Action == "Disable"